Harmony Lodge No. 21

F. & A. M.

2024 Annual Lodge Historical Report

The year 2024 AD, marking the 108th year of Harmony Lodge No. 21, has been an exceptional one for our Lodge and its Brothers. Under the leadership of Worshipful Brother Matthew Harris, the focus was on brotherhood, enhancing the membership experience, creating opportunities for growth outside of stated and degree meetings, and fostering connections with Masonic appendant bodies. The Lodge continued to prioritize charity, Masonic education, and the application of teachings from the tracing board, as illuminated in the Volume of Sacred Law prepared by the Grand Architect of the Universe.

Masonic Builder Award

At the beginning of the year, the Lodge set an ambitious goal: achieving the Grand Lodge’s prestigious Masonic Builder Award, a recognition we had not received since 2016. Officers and members planned meticulously, ensuring the Lodge met the award’s requirements. These efforts included visiting other lodges in the district, participating in and learning from degree teams, maintaining a well-planned fiscal budget, and fostering a sense of camaraderie through shared goals and enjoyable activities. In December, we were delighted to learn that our application for the award was approved. This honor will be formally presented during the 2025 Grand Communications.

Mark Master Mason Degree

On March 2nd, Brothers Aaron Kunz and Gary Roberts attended the Mark Master Mason degree held at the Salt Lake Masonic Temple. Following the ceremony, they conducted a self-guided tour of the historic building, immersing themselves in its rich history and unique spirit.

Order of the Bath

Worshipful Brother Tim Fellows and Brother Gary Roberts participated in the Masonic Order of the Bath ceremony at the Salt Lake Masonic Temple. The event provided an opportunity for camaraderie and light-hearted laughter with Brothers from across the Grand Lodge of Utah’s jurisdiction.

50-Year Pin Presentation

In March, the Lodge hosted a special meeting to honor Brother Lloyd E. Harris with his 50-year pin. Raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on October 24, 1973, in Victorville Lodge No. 634, Brother Harris has been a quiet yet impactful presence in our Lodge. A Marine veteran, he exemplifies the values of Masonry. The ceremony, held on March 26th, was conducted by his son, Worshipful Brother Matthew Harris, and attended by Brother Harris’s family. It was a beautiful and inspiring event, celebrating a lifetime of service and dedication.

Mrs. Utah American 2023 Visit

One of the most well-attended events of the year was the April visit from Mrs. Utah American 2023. Following dinner in the banquet room, members and guests gathered in the Lodge room to hear her speak. She shared her powerful personal story of being kidnapped by cartel members in Mexico, her eventual ransom and release, and her ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking. She highlighted the devastating role of trafficked individuals used as drug mules and the loss of innocent lives. Her message to youth was especially poignant: the drugs being consumed today are tainted with the blood of those who suffer to bring them into the country. Worshipful Brother Harris thanked her for her inspiring discourse and her advocacy.

Service Project

In May, several Brothers dedicated a day to trimming and removing trees from the yard of a Brother facing significant health challenges. Unable to secure help from his local ecclesiastical organization, the Lodge stepped in to assist. The day involved hard work, multiple trips to the landfill, and, most importantly, fulfilling a Brother’s need. The shared effort strengthened the bonds among the participants and exemplified the spirit of Masonic service.

Grand Master’s Visitation

The June visitation of the Grand Master was a historic occasion, with most of the Grand Line and several Past Grand Masters present—an event not seen in many years in our northern lodge room. The Lodge was opened and then called to rest so all could share a meal in the dining room. Following Masonic protocol, the Grand Master and his officers were introduced and seated, and the gavel was tendered to the Grand Master to preside over the meeting.

The Worshipful Master’s report prompted lively discussions on the Lodge’s activities and areas of concern, with Brothers gaining valuable insights. The Grand Orator’s address and an educational presentation by the Senior Warden were well-received. Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Brother Joseph Milner shared his plans for a visitation in June 2025, expressing his appreciation for our efforts and his readiness to offer support.

Corrine Lodge Oyster Fry

In November, several Brothers attended the annual Oyster Fry at Corrine Lodge No. 5. The event was, as always, a lively and enjoyable occasion filled with fellowship and excellent food.

Collaboration with Corrine Lodge No. 5

Harmony Lodge continued its longstanding relationship with Corrine Lodge No. 5. Members attended Corrine Lodge’s stated meetings late in the year, strengthening ties and renewing friendships. The Lodge also assisted with Corrine’s officer installation in December, with Worshipful Master Matthew Harris, Worshipful Brother Kurtis Payne, and Brother Lloyd Harris serving as installation officers at the request of Corrine’s Worshipful Master-elect. The ceremony was a memorable event, marked by the inspiring remarks of Worshipful Brothers Blair Hope and Shawn Milne. It was a reminder of the shared history and fellowship between our Lodges, as Corrine Lodge played a key role in helping establish Harmony Lodge in Cache Valley.

Visitation of Malad Lodge No. 51

Harmony Lodge was honored to host a visitation from Malad Lodge No. 51 of the Grand Lodge of Idaho Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. In December, Worshipful Brother Kary Peterson, accompanied by his Lodge’s Treasurer, two Fellowcraft Brothers, and a newly initiated Entered Apprentice, attended our stated meeting. The evening began with a shared dinner, fostering camaraderie and fraternal connections. During the meeting, fraternal greetings were exchanged, and the visiting Brothers participated in the proceedings. Worshipful Brother Harris presented each of the visiting Brethren with a Harmony Lodge No. 21 challenge coin as a token of appreciation and friendship. In return, they gave our Lodge an authentic Acacia tree seedling grown from seed purchased out of Africa by their Worshipful Master. The visit strengthened the bond between our Lodges and highlighted the shared values and traditions of Masonry.

Monthly Breakfasts

The Lodge continued its tradition of hosting breakfasts on the fourth Saturday of each month. These gatherings provided a welcoming space for Brothers, family, and friends, as well as prospective members to learn more about Freemasonry. The breakfasts were consistently well-attended and served as an excellent platform for fostering fellowship and engaging with the wider community.

At one of these breakfasts, guest speaker Penny Pritchard delivered an insightful presentation on the Order of the Eastern Star and their efforts in Utah. Her talk sparked interest in potentially reestablishing a chapter in Cache Valley, offering an exciting opportunity for future collaboration.

Other Activities

The Lodge organized several unique events this year to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and enrich the membership experience:

  • Lodge Date Night: The Brothers treated their wives and significant others to a delightful dinner at Beehive Grill, expressing appreciation for their support and understanding of our Masonic duties.
  • Vinyl Night: A relaxed evening where Brothers shared their favorite music on vinyl records, enjoying camaraderie and discovering each other’s musical tastes.
  • Documentary Screening: The Lodge hosted a showing of “The Masonic Table – The Art of Dining in Freemasonry” to explore the rich traditions and history of Masonic dining. The event prompted a lively discussion on how to incorporate these customs into our own gatherings.
  • Movie Night: The brethren enjoyed a screening of “The Man Who Would Be King,” followed by a discussion about the film’s Masonic symbolism and themes.

Degree Work and Membership

The Lodge was active in conferring degrees this year:

  • Entered Apprentices: 2 (Brothers Jesus Ramirez and Matthew Aston)
  • Fellowcrafts: 3 (Brothers Joshua Flansburg, Rick Major, and Cole Peterson)
  • Master Masons: 5 (Brothers Aaron Kunz, Cody Stoddard, Derick Morrison, Joshua Flansburg, and Cole Peterson)

We are grateful for the assistance from Gateway, Golden Spike, Unity, Oquirrh, and Corrine Lodges in completing several of these degrees.

Membership experienced growth, with five new Master Masons raised. The Lodge also recorded one demit, one honorary member expulsion, and one suspension for non-payment of dues. The prospect committee is currently working with 16 active candidates, offering great promise for the future.

2024 Officers

Worshipful Master:          Matthew A. Harris, PM

Senior Warden:     Seth B. Pritchard

Junior Warden:     Arbon C. Ransom

Treasurer:     Philip R. Henderson

Secretary:          Gary T. Roberts

Chaplain:             Aaron M. Kunz

Senior Deacon:     Kurtis B. Payne, PM

Junior Deacon:     Lloyd E. Harris

Senior Stewart:     Cody Stoddard

Junior Stewart:     Joshua W. Flansberg

Tyler:     James F. Bates

3 Year Trustee:     Timothy C. Fellows, PM

2 Year Trustee:     Gary T. Roberts

1 Year Trustee:     Seth B. Pritchard

Deputy Grand Lodge Lecturer: Timothy C. Fellows, PM

Looking Ahead

As 2024 concludes, we reflect on a year filled with progress, service, and fellowship. With peace and harmony prevailing, we look forward to continuing our Masonic journey and achieving even greater milestones in 2025.

Fraternally submitted,
Gary T. Roberts, Secretary

Valley of Salt Lake, Orient of Utah 241st Fall Reunion

Another incredible Scottish Rite reunion in the books! I haven’t missed one since I first became a member, and I don’t plan to start now. While I’ve missed a few stated meetings over the years, I make it a priority to never miss a reunion. Thanks to the careful planning by my Valley, I know the dates well in advance, which allows me to meticulously schedule my vacation days to be there.

Why is it so important to me?

Because these reunions embody the true spirit of brotherhood. It’s a chance to reconnect with my classmates, share in their stories of travel and triumphs, and celebrate their successes. It’s also an opportunity to immerse myself in the ritual, not just as an observer but as a cast member—an experience that deepens my understanding and love for the craft.

Reunions bring together brothers from across our great state, and the conversations and shared wisdom I gain from them are priceless. Beyond that, it’s a chance to step away from the noise of the world for a little while. In this sacred space, I can focus on what truly matters, recharge my spirit, and rediscover the peace and purpose that comes with our shared values.

Most importantly, I get to serve. I’m honored to help guide candidates along their Masonic journey in the Scottish Rite. There’s no greater feeling than working together in the quarries and seeing our efforts culminate in a successful and meaningful experience for everyone involved.

Looking forward to the next one already!

Parking Lot Masons

I saw this on Worshipful Brother Bill’s Facebook page today. One of the great reasons I love being a member of this craft.

I have had the honor and pleasure to speak directly with some of the world’s most influencial Freemasons; greatest Masonic Scholars and Estoric minds of our age.

All agree, “Real Freemasonry happens outside of Lodge, out in the parking Lot, after the meeting is over… that’s where friendships are developed, laughter is found, and some of the best esoteric discussions are had… long after the doors of the Lodge are closed … outside of those four walls .. in the parking lot…” – a quote from nearly EVERY Scholar I’ve spoken to.

An Exploration of Freemasonry: Beliefs and Core Values

Freemasonry, often referred to as “the Craft,” is a fraternal organization that traces its origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons that emerged in the late Middle Ages. It evolved significantly during the Enlightenment period, shaping its modern form in the early 18th century with the establishment of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717. Today, Freemasonry is recognized as the world’s largest fraternal organization. Its members are bound by shared values, moral principles, and a commitment to self-improvement and community service. This essay delves into the key beliefs and values of Freemasonry, providing a more defined, evidence-based analysis from historical, philosophical, sociological, and psychological perspectives.

Belief in a Supreme Being and Religious Neutrality

A core tenet of Freemasonry is the belief in a Supreme Being, often termed the “Great Architect of the Universe” (GAOTU). This concept is deliberately broad and inclusive, allowing for multiple interpretations across various religious and spiritual traditions. The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) clarifies that “Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. There is no separate ‘Masonic’ god; a Freemason’s god remains the god of the religion he professes” (United Grand Lodge of England). This requirement ensures that all members hold a transcendent view that moral laws are grounded in a higher order.

This principle of religious neutrality is deeply rooted in Enlightenment values, which sought to foster tolerance, rational inquiry, and a separation between church and state. By rejecting dogmatic assertions and embracing religious pluralism, Freemasonry enables men of different faiths to come together and engage in philosophical discussions and moral reflections. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon emphasizes that “Freemasonry neither competes with nor replaces religion” (Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon). This philosophical stance aligns with the Enlightenment emphasis on deism and natural religion, where reason and the observation of the natural world were believed to be sufficient to determine the existence of a Supreme Being.

Core Values and Principles of Freemasonry

Freemasonry is built upon a framework of ethical values and principles that guide its members in both their personal and public lives. These values, often referred to as the “Three Great Principles” — Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth — are embodied in Masonic rituals, allegories, and symbols. They aim to promote ethical behavior, personal growth, and a commitment to social responsibility.

  1. Belief in God and Moral Uprightness: Freemasonry requires a belief in a Supreme Being, which it views as foundational to moral conduct and spiritual development. This belief is not confined to any one religious dogma but rather serves as a common ground for ethical behavior. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania asserts that “Masons are to follow God according to their faith, placing Him above all else” (Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania). This notion is supported by Kantian ethics, where moral behavior is grounded in duty and the categorical imperative, shaped by the belief in a higher moral order. Freemasonry’s emphasis on moral uprightness is encapsulated in its teachings that a Mason must act “on the square” and “meet on the level,” metaphorically highlighting equality, fairness, and integrity in all dealings.
  2. Civic Responsibility and Loyalty to Country: Freemasonry encourages its members to be law-abiding citizens who actively participate in civic life and contribute to the welfare of their country. This principle is often encapsulated in the Masonic obligation to be a “quiet and peaceful citizen” who respects the laws of the land (Masonic Information Center). This reflects the social contract theory articulated by Enlightenment philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which posits that individuals have a moral duty to adhere to the laws of the state in exchange for protection and the preservation of civil liberties. Freemasonry’s civic-oriented philosophy aligns with republicanism, where citizens are encouraged to be virtuous, participate in civic life, and uphold the common good.
  3. Community Service and Philanthropy: One of the most visible aspects of Freemasonry is its commitment to charitable activities and community service. The Grand Lodge of California states that “Freemasonry’s community involvement focuses on activities that support society at large, emphasizing charity, education, and community service” (Grand Lodge of California). Freemasonry’s emphasis on philanthropy is supported by sociological theories of social capital, which suggest that community engagement and volunteerism create stronger social networks and increase trust among community members. This focus on altruism and public service can also be linked to Aristotle’s concept of “eudaimonia” (human flourishing), where personal fulfillment is achieved through virtuous actions that contribute to the greater good.
  4. Ethical Conduct Toward Neighbors: Freemasonry teaches that members should act with kindness, civility, and fairness toward others, reflecting the ethical principle of reciprocity found in various religious and philosophical traditions, often referred to as the “Golden Rule.” The Masonic Service Association of North America underscores this duty to “act kindly toward all, especially toward those in need” (Masonic Service Association of North America). This aligns with Confucian ethics, which emphasize “ren” (benevolence) and “yi” (righteousness) in social relationships, advocating for empathy and moral consideration in everyday interactions.
  5. Friendship and Fellowship: Freemasonry places great importance on fostering deep and meaningful friendships among its members. The Grand Lodge of New York notes that “Freemasonry teaches its members to extend fellowship and support to their brethren and friends, fostering an environment of mutual respect and encouragement” (Grand Lodge of New York). This principle is consistent with Aristotle’s concept of “philia,” a form of love and mutual respect that is essential for a just society. In this context, Freemasonry can be seen as a microcosm of a just society where members strive to cultivate virtuous friendships that promote moral and ethical behavior.
  6. Family Values and Responsibilities: Freemasonry strongly emphasizes family as the foundation of a man’s character and moral development. The Grand Lodge of Ohio asserts that “The family is fundamental in Freemasonry. Members are encouraged to be loving and supportive husbands, fathers, and brothers” (Grand Lodge of Ohio). This mirrors the Confucian concept of “xiao” (filial piety), which stresses the importance of family harmony and the moral duty to care for one’s family. From a sociological perspective, strong family units contribute to social cohesion and stability, reinforcing the Masonic belief in the family as a vital component of ethical living.
  7. Professional Integrity and Vocation: Freemasonry promotes honesty, integrity, and diligence in one’s chosen profession. The Grand Lodge of Illinois emphasizes that “Freemasons strive for the highest standards of integrity in their professional and personal lives” (Grand Lodge of Illinois). This commitment to professional ethics aligns with the concept of “virtue ethics,” which focuses on character and the virtues one should cultivate to lead a good life. By embodying qualities such as trustworthiness and industriousness, Freemasons are encouraged to serve as moral exemplars in their vocations, promoting ethical standards within their industries and professions.
  8. Personal Development and Self-Improvement: Freemasonry places a strong emphasis on lifelong learning, self-discipline, and the pursuit of personal growth. The Masonic Service Association of North America states, “Freemasonry challenges the Mason to improve himself and to become a better man, and through his efforts, to make the world a better place” (Masonic Service Association of North America). This mirrors modern psychological theories such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, particularly the concept of self-actualization, where individuals strive to realize their fullest potential. Freemasonry’s educational programs, which often include lectures, discussions, and study groups, serve to foster this growth and development.
  9. Fraternity and Brotherhood: Freemasonry fundamentally operates as a fraternal organization that promotes fellowship, moral development, and mutual support among its members. The Grand Lodge of Michigan highlights that “Freemasonry is about brotherhood and fellowship, promoting a journey of self-improvement and service to others” (Grand Lodge of Michigan). This communal aspect of Freemasonry aligns with Emile Durkheim’s concept of “mechanical solidarity,” where social cohesion arises from shared beliefs, values, and traditions. Freemasonry’s emphasis on brotherhood fosters a sense of belonging and moral guidance, providing a supportive environment for members to pursue self-betterment and ethical living.

Equality and Universal Brotherhood

The principle of equality is fundamental to Freemasonry, which asserts that all men are inherently equal, regardless of race, religion, or social status. This idea is deeply rooted in Enlightenment thought, particularly the ideals of human rights and universal brotherhood. The Grand Lodge of Ohio reinforces this principle, stating that “Freemasonry believes that all men are equal and that it is the duty of every Mason to respect the opinions of others and to work together in harmony for the common good” (Grand Lodge of Ohio). This view aligns with the social contract theories of Rousseau, which emphasize equality and collective well-being as the foundation of a just society.


Freemasonry, while not a religion, serves as a moral and ethical framework that promotes personal development, civic responsibility, and social engagement. Its values of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth encourage members to live ethically, support their communities, and seek personal improvement. By drawing from a range of philosophical, sociological, and psychological theories, Freemasonry provides a unique and enduring platform for men to align their lives with principles of integrity, compassion, and community service. Through its teachings and practices, Freemasonry continues to be a relevant and influential institution for those seeking to lead ethical lives and contribute to the common good.

Should you have further questions or require more information, please feel free to reach out.