Are you OK?

Welcome to the From the North podcast. It is a podcast where a few brothers come together and share our masonic experiences with each other. Have a good time and share some brotherhood.

I know it has been a while since we have talked.

AC, Jason, and I are doing well. A week ago, we were able to catch up and see each other face-to-face for the first time in many years at our lodge’s monthly breakfast. It was good to see them both, and it was just like we had never been apart. Good times and good brotherhood—that is what our fraternity is all about.

But I have something very important I want to discuss with you today. I want to know how you are doing?

Today you have made it! You have made it through one more day. I am proud of you. I really am and you should be proud of yourself. It is a big accomplishment.

A lot of guys like me and you didn’t wake up today, but you did. I am proud of you. I know it has been a long couple of months. I know it has been a long winter. Brother, it has been a long year. Several of them in fact.

I know what it is like to go from being able to take on the world, to not even being able to take on yourself, but you are getting through it. You are! I can see it. And you are going to be alright, my brother. I know you will.

You are taking the right steps in the right direction every day by just waking up and showing up. You are doing it, man.  You know, because the pain is inevitable. Unfortunately, it is. But the suffering is optional. You are not going to be like this forever. This will pass. I know it will because it has happened to me many times. It did last time and the time before that. Don’t underestimate yourself. You got this, brother.

Make sure you come back. I like seeing you. I need you and your brotherhood.

Are you OK?

If you are struggling, reach out to me. I will help and will do my best to find you some assistance.

If you feel you can’t go on and want to end it all. You don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning. Don’t end it. I need you. Lets get you some help. Pick up the phone right now and call 9-8-8. There will be someone on the end of the line that is dedicated to help you get the help you need. So don’t hesitate. Make that call.

I need you. Your loved ones need you. Society needs you. you are making a difference and life would not be full without you. So please make that call.

If you are not struggling right now and want to help someone who is, there is a way. There is a course called QPR. It is training given by the National Alliance on Mental Illness that helps lay people learn and have life-saving critical conversations. Gives you the confidence and resources on how to have these conversations with our brothers and sisters. It is just like CPR training, and like CPR, QPR saves lives. It is free to take in many states. The training just takes an hour and a half of your time during a lunch break. This training is well worth it.

I went through this course. It has changed my way of thinking and the way I see those around me. As many of you know, I am an EMS volunteer in my community. I manage a group of dedicated individuals who serve my community in their greatest time of need. Those emergency responses wear on us, first responders. Life and death are a daily reality for us. This wears on our mental health and we lose several of our brothers and sisters every year by suicide because of this immense pressure. I took the QPR training so I could help reduce the loss of my friends and family.

My unit recently had a bad call. It is the one all first responder’s dread. An infant not breathing. Two of my best EMTs responded to the call. Both of them are mothers. They both did a great job. Their training kicked in, and they worked the call with the ambulance staff. They did their best to ensure a good outcome. Unfortunately, the little one still succumbed to their illness. I knew how these two mothers were feeling. I have little ones (well, not so little now) myself. I knew the thoughts that would be running through their heads that morning after the call. So I reached out to both of them, asking how they were doing. It is such a simple question, but it starts the healing process and lets those we ask process their grief. Both responders texted back, I’m going to be OK. Thank you for reaching out. It helps.

Are you OK? Such a simple question to ask. It lets someone know you care. That they are needed, valued, and not alone. Such a simple thing we can all do, and it makes such a tremendous difference. It can save a life.

I challenge you to make a difference in someone’s life today. Ask someone how they are doing.

2023 Annual Lodge Historical Report (Harmony Lodge No. 21)

Harmony Lodge No. 21
F. & A. M.

2023 Annual Lodge Historical Report

2023 AD (our 107th year) has been a year of growth for Harmony Lodge No. 21 under Worshipful Master Kurtis B. Payne’s leadership. The focus for the year has been on brotherhood and improving our ritual proficiency and floor work. Stated meetings were well planned and focused on getting the lodge business done quickly, with efforts to share education with brothers and have esoteric discussions and lectures on masonry.

Under the direction of Worshipful Brother Timothy Fellows, Deputy Grand Lodge Lecturer, practices were held every week, excluding holidays and stated meeting nights. The first half hour to forty-five minutes was focused on helping new brothers work on their catechism proficiency. The next several hours were dedicated to practicing and learning each of the degrees for those acting in their various roles. These practices proved to be quite fruitful. The lodge performed 9 degrees throughout the masonic year, where five new brothers were initiated into our great fraternity, and four brothers were passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. We appreciate the help and support of Brothers Steven Lancaster, Joseph Milner, Kim Passey, and Zachery Johnstun for their assistance on some of these degrees. Three raisings and a passing are planned for the beginning of 2024 to continue progressing these fine brothers.

In May, we were informed of the passing of Brother Carl D. Fortune, Sr., who had laid down his working tools by his son, Brother Carl D. Fortune, Jr. Carl had been living with his son in Texas while maintaining a residence in North Logan. Brother Carl had been a long-time member of Harmony Lodge No. 21 and Five Points Lodge No. 1137 in El Paso, Texas, a Hiram Award recipient, a mason for 65 years, a 32nd-degree Scottish Rite mason, a Past Worth Matron in OES, and a Shriner. He will be greatly missed. Several brothers got together with Carl, Jr. when he came to North Logan to help transfer his father’s belongings to a moving van that he took back to Texas and to reminisce on Brother Carl Sr.’s memories.

Another focus of the lodge has been to increase our success at the West Gate. A small committee that worked with each of the contacts made by interested gentlemen received from, lodge text messages, emails, and voice mails. Each new contact was invited to all open events, welcomed and received by various brothers, and introduced to our lodge and Freemasonry. We found that if these prospects attended at least two events (pre-stated meeting dinners, open installation, etc.), they would petition the lodge for the three degrees. After a thorough investigation by the investigation committee, several of these prospects were initiated this year. The Lodge plans to expand these efforts in 2024, as we currently have sixteen active inquiries on the books.

For our charity efforts for the year, the Lodge partnered with the William A. Burnard Warming Center. The warming center is located at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Logan. The center provides a warm place for the homeless in our valley to stay out of the cold winter weather. Harmony Lodge worked with the W.A.B staff to petition the Masonic Foundation of Utah for a grant to provide cots, blankets, and other items to be used in the center by their patrons. Hopefully, both organizations will hear back on the success of their proposal in the next few months.

The lodge held several events outside degree and stated meetings. An Oktoberfest was organized by Brother Phil Henderson, Junior Deacon, which was well attended by brothers, their families, and friends. A training on Grand View was also conducted by our secretary to help familiarize them with the information that could be gleaned from this software. Brother Carl Ellsworth, Senior Warden, who works as an IT professional, conducted a training on online security for the lodge members. He also planned a game night, which was also well attended.

A public installation of officers for the pursuing masonic year was held in December. Worshipful Master Matthew Harris was installed for his 2nd year as Worshipful Master. His first year as Worshipful Master was in 2017 at Yucca Valley Lodge No. 802 in California. Worshipful Brother David Hutchinson was the installing officer, Worshipful Brother William McCraw was the installing marshall, and Worshipful Brother Robert Green was the installing secretary. All did an exceptional job, and we appreciate their service to our Lodge. In attendance were Right Worshipful David Tingey, Deputy Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Shaun Davis, Grand Tyler, Harmony Lodge brothers, their family, and friends. The lodge room was fully packed! The lodge recognized our Worshipful Master’s lady, Maria Harris, for her assistance and support of our lodge and Worshipful Brother Harris.

We look forward to another tremendous Masonic year.

Peace and harmony prevailing,

Gary T. Roberts, Secretary

Article for Camp Floyd Historical Lodge #205 Newsletter (November 2023)

Why focus on learning about our craft? Masonic education and learning go hand in hand with the ritual. One is useless without the other. An expert orator can deliver the most well-rehearsed, flowery, and emphasized ritual during a degree, but if he doesn’t understand what he is saying, is it as impactful? How many times has a candidate heard a great performance and then asked, “what does that part mean?”[1]. As a mason, I propose that learning is one of the important three tasks we are given when each of us were made a mason.

As most of you know, most stated meetings in the Grand Lodge of Utah open on the Entered Apprentice degree. All our degrees begin and end with a catechism-like exchange between the Worshipful Master and the Senior Warden—a reminder of the basic tenants and responsibilities of a mason for each of the three degrees.

In the Entered Apprentice degree opening and closing, an inquiry is given by the Worshipful Master to the Senior Warden. What came you here to do? The most monotonous response returned by our Brother Senior Warden is: To learn to subdue my passions [maybe a short pause is interesting here] and improve myself in masonry.

The response is ritualistically correct. I put to you, for your consideration, that we don’t fully understand the weight of this response, nor are we fully realizing what we have been directed to do as masons. I offer you a possible new look at this line from our ritual and Entered Apprentice (EA) catechism.

In the Entered Apprentice degree, we were told by the Worshipful Master that we now stand as an upright man and mason. To continue to be exemplary, this response from EA catechism encompasses what we are to do. We are to subdue our passions and improve our craft on initial reading and recital. We are to keep ourselves within the due bounds of the circle at which we sit at the center of by setting limits, having boundaries, and learning from our Volume of Sacred law those things we need to improve ourselves. Remember that Freemasonry makes good men better. We follow this line from the catechism of 1st degree when we were made a mason. We always work to improve ourselves by learning from good brothers and taking our ritual seriously. But is that enough? Is subduing our passions and working on our ritual all we must do as masons?

As you know, the number three is significant in masonry. We have three degrees, three principal officers, three knocks on the door, the three stages of life are represented in each of the degrees, three greater lights, three lesser lights, three ruffians, and so on. I propose that the above line returned by our Senior Warden is a statement of three things we should be doing as masons. Three tasks we should take to heart as we make our plans for our temple on our tracing boards.

Here is my line of thinking. I feel the Senior Warden’s response can be divided into three statements using the word to as the divider:

  • To learn,
  • To subdue my passions,
  • To improve myself in masonry.

Subduing our passions is almost second nature during our stated meetings and degree work. We respect the Worshipful Master by not interrupting and giving him or whomever he has directed to speak our full attention. We don’t correct ritual out loud during a degree. We follow the rules of order of meetings. We don’t talk about religion or politics in our meetings. We submitted ourselves to the rules and regulations of our lodge and grand lodge when we submitted our petition. We also improve ourselves in masonry by practicing and performing our best ritual and taking those lessons from the degree to heart to make ourselves better.

But what about learning? Masons come to the lodge to learn. Due to time constraints, learning has taken a backstage place in most of our meetings in recent years. Repeatedly, we have heard from studies and surveys that masons want more education and learning. Yes, there are places we can go to learn both practical and esoteric education. But are each of us taking advantage of the educational opportunities in front of us? I have been told that learning is a lifelong endeavor. It didn’t end when I got my degrees, at the end of my college coursework, or at the end of my Master Mason degree.

This idea about this statement being three things Masons are tasked with isn’t my own. I learned about it while reading short educationals published by brothers of my lodge back in England[2]. I read a lot. I am always trying to expand my learning of our craft. I share my thoughts on Brother Richard Carver’s paper to get you thinking about masonic learning and, by extension, reading masonic works. Look at Albert G. Mackey’s essay to understand the importance of learning our craft[3].

This is where I feel that our historic lodge can help with each of our efforts for this individual learning requirement. We have an opportunity to do research and share those ideas, do presentations at various lodge meetings, perform degrees in time-period regalia, and have deep intellectual discussions with each other to increase our understanding. Our lodge is in a great and unique position to share more light with others of our fraternity. If we take learning to be a serious endeavor, fully accepting the effort to heart, we can continue improving ourselves and those around us.

Speaking of learning, since becoming a mason, I have found that masonic lessons can be found everywhere. Not only from our ritual and our Volume of Sacred Law but everywhere as we are well informed when we became Fellowcrafts. Those liberal arts and sciences impart to each of us the wisdom of the universe and the wisdom of the Grand Architect of the Universe.

I recently was binging on the last season of Star Trek Picard. Admiral Picard (played by Sir Patrick Stewart[4]) was reflecting on a conversation he was having with a large group of cadets who had approached him asking for clarification and guidance. At the end of his reflection on recovering from a dangerous mission, he gave those young cadets some wisdom.

“Y’know, there will be a time when you will need to remember that no matter how bleak or unwinnable a situation, as long as you and your crew remain steadfast in your dedication, one to another, you are never ever without hope.”[5]

 Later in the episode, he imparts another tidbit of masonic light. “You’re only ever really as good as those around you. Your crew becomes a part of you. Complete you. They lift you up to accomplish the things you never could do alone.”[6]

 I felt these were directly related to the struggles our historical lodge has had over the past several years as I reflected on them. Those of you who have served in the military, public safety, or even your team at work know what Picard refers to. Strength is given to a team when they have fought in the trenches, overcoming bad odds or challenging situations. A bond is created that can be as thick as blood, and the synergy that is created is greater than the separate parts. This gives the team great strength that can be used to overcome almost any obstacle and creates mystic bonds that last a lifetime.

Let’s form that brotherhood. We have some obstacles before us as we progress towards being that historical lodge we and our Grand Lodge need it to be. Let’s do the work, make the tough decisions, attend meetings, learn our ritual, recruit new members, shared newly learned knowledge, etc. Let’s become the band of brothers our historical lodge needs to make its future bright for us and generations of masons. Let’s fight together in the trenches and do the hard work. We are better together, working towards our ambitious goals, than we are trying to separately achieve this great endeavor.

I will end with another Star Trek quote that is apropos. I hope it motivates you as it does me. Let’s “.. boldly go where no man” or Mason “has gone before!”[7]





[5] Star Trek: Picard, Season 3 Episode 4: “No Win Scenario”

[6] ibid.


Article for Camp Floyd Historical Lodge #205 First Newsletter (October 2023)

From the West

Brethren All,

It seems we, as a Historic Lodge, have lost our way. During the COVID pandemic, we lost our motivation. Our mojo if you will. Our purpose in being. Our attendance at our yearly election and information meetings the past couple of years has only had enough brethren to open on the Master Mason degree. Our latest Zoom meeting was attended by the stalwarts of Utah Masonry but those in attendance were few. We haven’t garnered many new members of any considerable number for almost a half-decade. We haven’t performed a degree at a Utah lodge’s request in many years. So why should we continue to be and not just turn in our charter?

The question was raised during our Zoom meeting. Why was Camp Floyd Historic Lodge No. 205 F. & A. M. created? Well, let’s go on a dive, shall we?

We must look no further than the proceedings of Communication of the Grand Lodge of Utah recorded in January of 2010 (a copy of which is located on the George Washington Masonic National Memorial website. It is reported here verbatim from page 102.


Camp Floyd Historic Lodge had its beginnings with the first “outdoor” degree performed by Wasatch Lodge No. 1 in the schoolhouse of Camp Floyd State Park May 22, 2004. Wasatch Lodge continued to perform the degree at Camp Floyd through 2009. In March of 2009, the decision was made to form an historic lodge commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Freemasonry in Utah. This new lodge would have as its birthplace, Camp Floyd, Utah, the recognized birthplace of speculative masonry in Utah. On May 23, 2009, Camp Floyd Historic Lodge, sponsored by Rocky Mountain Lodge, was granted dispensation to form a new lodge, whose sole purpose was to preserve the legacy left by the members of Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205. After Camp Floyd Historic Lodge was instituted, the officers for the new lodge were appointed and installed. For the next several months, organizing and special degree meetings were held to complete the requirements of dispensation. On January 29, 2010, at the 138th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Utah, the Grand Lecturer, WB Allen W. Record reported to the Grand Master, MWB Loyd E. Davis and the delegates assembled that Camp Floyd Historic Lodge UD had completed the ritual requirements while under dispensation and was eligible to submit its application for chartering. After the Grand Lecturer’s report, the Grand Master called the craft from labor to refreshment and prepared to Constitute Camp Floyd Historic Lodge. The brethren from the lodge assembled, surrendered the lodge certificate of dispensation, and submitted a petition to be chartered. The lodge was constituted by MWB Davis and the Grand Lodge Officers, and the Lodge Officer were installed.

Details of that wonderful day our historic lodge received our charter as a lodge can be found on page 25 of that same record. In attendance that day were most of the sittings Grand Lodge of Utah officers as well as 50 Master Masons, M. W. Brother Rocky Weaver, Grand Master of Missouri, M. W. Brother Michael A. Sutton, Past Grand Master of Idaho, and R. W. Brother Gary Desk, Deputy Grand Master of New Mexico.

Telling, isn’t it? Our Historic Lodge’s sole purpose is to “preserve the legacy left by members of Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205.” What does preserving that legacy mean? It could mean many things.

Could that legacy be the retelling of some obscure part of Utah’s masonic history? Is there some part of our Masonic heritage that needs to be shared? It really could be anything if it is tied to our history as the Grand Lodge of Utah, which is the actual legacy left by those early masons of Rocky Mountain Lodge. If you have or know of something, write it up and pass it along to our historical lodge secretary/historian. Jot your idea down on a piece of paper and share it with a brother. It could be something as simple as how did Wasatch Lodge decided on its name, or how and why did two lodges combine to form Golden Spike No. 6? Maybe you know some chronicle of a great Utah mason who deserves some recognition for his extraordinary efforts supporting speculative masonry in Utah. Collaborate and research that idea out. Then, share your findings with the rest of us. I am sure we would all love to read it, and have it recorded in this soon-to-be regular newsletter.

Maybe preserving that legacy is participating on the Historic Lodge’s degree team. Put yourself on the line and put that Master Ritualist award to work by sharing your talent for a brother being initiated, passed, or raised. Take the degree performance to a new level by gathering the period clothing worn by those who served in Rocky Mountain Lodge N. 205. Perform that degree for our soon-to-be newly obligated brother in the period clothing worn by our historical mentors. Wouldn’t that wow the candidate and leave a lifelong impression? Plus, you get the added benefit of serving a sister lodge in need of your assistance. Maybe your bailiwick isn’t performing during the degree but coaching, directing, and mentoring those who will be presenting what the degree is. This could help to preserve this legacy as well.

Another way to preserve that legacy is via art. Do you have a talent for it? Maybe you are a painter and can depict some great event from our heritage. Copies of these could be shared in this newsletter, possibly placed in the Salt Lake or other local temple. What about a pinup calendar of black and white photos of all the Masonic buildings in Utah (past and present)? Something that could be sold as a fundraiser to support a beloved lodge charity. Maybe designing and building belt buckles is your thing. Have a challenge coin idea? Could something like that help leave a legacy?

Sorry for rambling on. I have so many thoughts. There are so many ideas on how to continue the legacy of Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205. What thoughts do you have? How do we all continue this idea started by M. W. Brother John Liley, M. W. Brother Loyd Davis, and W. Brother Michael Moon? Please let your historical lodge officers know your feelings and ideas. This lodge has so much potential and such a legacy to continue. We need your ideas, your desire, and your determination to leave a legacy of legacy.

Gary T. Roberts, Senior Warden

Wearing a Masonic Ring

Masonic Ring in Sterling Silver ~ Cigar Band Style 027es - ProLine Designs

As a purely personal choice, many brethren like to wear a Masonic ring on their hand. Often, that ring is adorned with the square and compasses.

A common unspoken rule says that you should wear it with the square and compasses facing you (i.e., the bottom of the square and the two tips of the compasses towards you) before you make it through the chair and, once you have sat in King Solomon’s chair, reverse it and have them facing away from you. This is made to mimic the perspective you would have on them during your lodge meeting based on whether you sit in the East or anywhere else. Conversely, if your lodge positions the compasses in the opposite way (i.e., facing toward the master rather than the candidate), then it feels reasonable you could justify reversing the guidance above.

-author unknown