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AC Ransom, Host and Founder

AC Ransom, Host and Founder

Arbon C. Ransom was raised to the sublime degree in the latter part of 2019. A lover of the great philosophers, a voracious reader, and as an absolute scholar of the arts and sciences, AC loves to spend his time expounding his thoughts into well written essays and beautifully crafted music and lyrics. On occasion he can be found sinking hooks into the local steams of Utah in both warm and not so warm weather hunting for that elusive monster fish that seems to always snub his lures.

Jason Lee, Host and Founder

Jason Lee, Host and Founder

Jason Lee currently sits as one of Harmony Lodge's Trustees. A man of sound mind and a clean conscience, he wishes to keep his full identity secret so as to not drive all the single ladies insane with even a glimpse of his celestial magnificence.

Gary Roberts, Host and Founder

Gary Roberts, Host and Founder

Gary T. Roberts is the current Secretary of Harmony Lodge No. 21 in Logan, Ut. Gary is a 32° Master of the Royal Secret of the Scottish Rite and is a member of the Valley of Salt Lake City in the Orient of Utah. He is also a Sir Knight in the York Rite and serves in the Grand York Rite Bodies of Utah as a member of Ogden Chapter No. 2, Ogden Council No. 3, and El Monte Commandery No. 2. He cherishes the Brothers and friendships he has made since becoming a mason. He is thankful for the opportunities Freemasonry gives and has given him to examine and improve himself, to meet people he might not otherwise have had chance to meet, and to do things he might not otherwise have had a chance to do. He is employed as a manager over global product test and compliance at Campbell Scientific, Inc. and lives near Logan, UT with his wife Marci and their three children. He looks forward to sharing the joy the fraternity brings him with others. He holds a degree in Fire Science, from Utah Valley University, with honors and retired as Fire Chief in 2011. He currently works as volunteer EMS Chief for his community. He enjoys his membership in the BSA and Order of the Arrow (Vigil Honor). His email address is

Utah York Rite Sessions (2022)

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This weekend, I attended my first ever Utah Grand York Rite sessions. The event was held in a hotel that I usually use when attending various events in the Salt Lake Valley. It was super convenient for me and came with a discount on the group rate. Always a good first step for a great weekend.

We hear from the elected officers, and our daisies officers elect new leadership. It was interesting that our state York Rite follows the line pretty well. There are always a few resignations due to age and life, but things move right along. But, since I am a people watcher, I noticed some leaders are there for title and power, and others are there for the right reason. To progress the craft. I had falsely presumed that Freemasonry was immune to this due to our vows as master masons to meet on the level. But I was wrong. I guess no organization run by man is immune from those who are “stupid” (you know what I mean if you heard the educational given by Worshipful Neil Wagner at our Scottish Rite meeting a couple of months ago). I guess I had higher expectations from an organization that is very Christian-based and is / or should be driven by the teachings of our Savior.

I have not been immune to having done this selfish stuff myself. An attribute I have been working on trying to diligently suppress in myself. Because I have seen it and done it, I can see it readily in others. So in an effort not to be a judge, this post is just an opportunity to get it off my chest and move on. To remind me how not to be. As in every X-step program, one step is recognizing what oneself and others have done. Then, humility kicks in, and repentance can then indeed happen. I take what I experience as an opportunity to learn from both the good and the bad. Take those good things and do them. Learn from the wrong things and vow not to do those same things to others.

There were some great things spoken by some of the leadership. One, especially of note, was when Right Eminent Grand Commander (now Past) Jason Varner shared his report for the past year. He shared the turmoils of the year and the hard things that happened in the Knights Templar organization over this year. In the end, he pleaded with us to “do the right thing.” Punctuating his remarks with “be kind.” Jason is a great leader and mason. He has served masonry as a leader for many years. I love his comments as he is one of our Grand Lodge Orators who writes well and always has a great message to learn from. I have read everything that he has written that I can get my hands on online. He truly believes in the message he is sharing and, I think, truly tries to live as he speaks. I will take his note to heart and push the pressure to do terrible things off and be kind as he has so ordered.

Today, I watched my local Episcopal Church’s worship service that punctuates this message. The bishop for the state of Utah (Rt. Rev. Scott B. Hayashi) was in attendance. He shared a great message using the Savior as the ultimate example of being kind. He shared that at the last supper (John Chapter 13 through 18), Judas left. Jesus knew why he was leaving and what Judas was about to do. He also knew that Peter was also going to betray him three times. Yet, as a compassionate leader, the Savior did not take the opportunity to chastise Judas and Peter directly. He did not take the opportunity to belittle them in front of the other apostles. Instead, he chose to serve them despite what they were doing or about to do. He washed their feet. He continued to feed them both spiritually and physically. He continued to teach them and set the example. He is the supreme example of kindness and genuine leadership.

After he had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had reclined again, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Very truly, I tell you, slaves are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. I am not speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But it is to fulfill the scripture, ‘The one who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’ I tell you this now, before it occurs, so that when it does occur you may believe that I am he. Very truly, I tell you, whoever receives one whom I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.”

May we ever strive to follow the example of our Savior in both our personal lives and when given opportunities to lead.

My Experience at the 236th Reunion of Scottish Rite (Orient of Utah, Valley of Salt Lake City)

A couple of weekends ago, I had the privilege of attending the 236th Reunion of the Scottish Rite here in Utah. It happened on the 1st year anniversary of my becoming a Master of the Royal Secret. During my reunion (234th), many of the degrees were communicated as it was only a 2 day event. This was the first reunion after Covid shut everything down. There were nine of us in that class. Even though it was shorted, it was a very impressive experience that left a lasting impression on me. The vows I took, I took them very seriously. I vowed to devote myself to them and took upon myself the great and awesome responsibility to continue my work in the Rite, be an active member by working arm-n-arm with my brothers, and to continue and learn the lessons taught in the degrees.

So I pushed forward. During our next meetings, I volunteered myself and was accepted into the Utah Scots Guard. The Scots Guard is the service arm of the Valley. We tile meetings, make sure the lodge room is setup for our meetings, give educationals at these meetings, make sure breaks are provided, fill in some non-speaking parts in many of the degrees, do what ever is asked of us, and fill in anywhere we are needed. It has been great! I personally feel that Masons need to be actively working and needed by their organizations if we are to keep them happy and active. This I wanted, for myself, so I have thrown myself in the work. In the process I have made good friends/brothers and have throughly enjoyed the benefits of being in active service.

In the 235th reunion, I took a more active part by taking some speaking parts in the degrees. During that reunion, I also helped with food, the flag ceremony, and tiled several of the degrees. As such, I was not able to see some of the degrees that were communicated during my reunion. Even though I could have sat inside the door and was invited in to see them, I felt my place was without the door, making sure things were quite, that no one entered the degree that was not supposed to, and to ensure the degree was uninterrupted. I felt I was still learning my duties as a Scots Guard so seeing the degree was a lower priority at the time for me. This changed at the 236th reunion.

This spring reunion, there were several of the degrees I was able to see. Serval of these degrees I had not witnessed in person before. I was able to still preform my duties, but was able to enter the room and see and hear the beautiful lessons for several of the degrees I had only heard about. Two degrees left a special impression on me. The 27th and the 31st!

The 27th (28th in other Valleys – Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept) is a special degree as it teaches Mason how to decipher the symbols communicated in the degrees. Special lessons taught by angels/gods who communicate special meanings covering many aspects taught the esoteric thoughts and the various multitudes of civilizations of man. Today, even two weeks later, I am still pouring through the material that was given to me for this degree and every day I learn something new that enlightens me and helps to improve me as a man and Mason. There were several in the audience that stated they hated this degree as is was long, technical, and boring. I disagreed. I found it absolutely fascinating!

The 31st degree (Inspector Inquisitor) also left a special impression on me. It covers the experience of being put on trial of a life of a man/candidate following those items described in the ceremonies in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The degree is beautiful and I was constantly reminded that I could learn from my failures and improve myself as I grow older and learn more of what is right and what is wrong. It was also kind of funny that Disney released Marvel’s Moon Knight episode 5 this week. Many of the things that were acted out in the degree as part of Egyptian culture in this degree were also on display in this latest episode. So it was fun to see this episode and re-feel those feelings I felt while watching the degree. If you have seen the degree, you will see that it is really a reflection on learning from those who proceeded us in the past and the valuable lessons we can learn from them. We shouldn’t destroy our history or cancel it because we don’t like it or it does not jive with what we currently believe. We should learn the lessons from it and use the information garnished from it and improve ourselves from it. Today, especially since the pandemic started, we are too quick to dismiss the valuable information we can learn from our history. We should do all we can to preserve it. As I am fond of saying (due to my past experience), we can always learn good lessons from bad experiences and bad people. Even if that little lesson is to not act and behave as we have been treated or have seen.

Just a note for myself, I had three speaking parts in this reunion. The 12th, 21st, and 30th degrees. The 30th is especially special as I had a great time working with the director on several occasions (both in person at his lodge and by several phone calls and emails). He took me under his wing and make sure I knew my part, where and how to go, and especially the meaning behind what I was doing. All directors should be like this good brother. When that day comes for me to direct or assistant direct a degree, I will be taking his example, leadership, and practice to heart in my own efforts. Also in this degree, our valley does something really special with the candidate that no over valley does (that I am aware of). If you know the secret, the degree really becomes powerful to the class and those brothers who are also in attendance.

To end this post, my advice to you is to take full advantage of the Scottish Rite. Become a member. Commit yourself to it. Be active and attend every degree you can. It will even strengthen your ties to your Blue Lodge brothers. The Scottish Rite is truly the University of Freemasonry!